MUMT 307


Created by Ichiro Fujinaga

MUMT 307


MUMT 307

Audio tag: <audio>


MUMT 307

Soundcloud embed


MUMT 307

Audio Data API

  • Designed and prototyped in Mozilla Firefox (December 2009)
  • Deprecated in spring 2012: Blog

MUMT 307

Web Audio API

MUMT 307

Web Audio API: Audio Context

Audio graph illustrating source node to destination node
source: W3
  • A direct graph (one per window)
  • Source (e.g., audio file)
  • Destination (e.g., speakers)

MUMT 307

Web Audio API: Audio Context

Audio graph illustrating source node to destination node
source: W3
  • A direct graph (one per window)
  • Source (e.g., audio file)
  • Destination (e.g., speakers)

MUMT 307

Web Audio API: Audio Context

A more complex example
Audio graph illustrating source node to destination node
source: W3

MUMT 307

Web Audio API: Audio Context code

var context = new AudioContext();
var oscillator = context.createOscillator(); // Create sound source			
oscillator.connect(context.destination); // Connect sound to speakers
oscillator.start(0); // Generate sound

MUMT 307

Simple Oscillator: Example codes

MUMT 307

Simple Oscillator with Gain: Example codes