MUMT 611 Presenation 3 Greg Eustace

Piano Music Transcription: Annotated bibliography

  1. Martin, K. 2002. A blackboard system for automatic transcription of simple polyphonic music. MIT Media Laboratory Perceptual Computing Section Technical Report No. 385.

    A system is presented for the transcription of piano music written in the style of 18 century counterpoint. The implementation includes short time Fourier transformation for time-frequency analysis and a blackboard system for note detection consisting of knowledge sources from physics, psychoacoustics and music theory.

  2. Marolt, M. 2004. A connectionist approach to automatic transcription of piano music. IEEE Transactions of Multimedia 6 (no. 3): 439-49.

    A system is presented for the transcription of piano music using an auditory model of human hearing, networks of adaptive oscillators for peak peaking and a neural network approach for note detection. The system was tested on three synthesized and three recorded piano pieces.

  3. Moorer, J. 1975. On the segmentation and analysis of continuous musical sound by digital computer. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, CCRMA.

    A system is presented for the transcription of two-voice polyphonic music. Voices are assumed to differ in timbre and melodic range.

  4. Raphael, C. 2002. Automatic transcription of piano music. Proceeding of the International conference of Music Information Retrieval 2002: 15–19.

    A system for the transcription of piano music is presented and tested for Mozart’s Sonata 18, K. 570. The implementation involves feature extraction via time and frequency domain analysis. Hidden Markov Models are used for note detection.