Synthesis Theory

Mid-term Exam (Fujinaga 1996)

Write your answers in the blue exam booklet. Return this exam.

(Each question is worth 10 points.)

1. What is the resultant lowest frequency component when 32kHz sine wave is sampled at 40kHz? What is the term for this phenomena?

2. What is the advantage of using table-lookup synthesis?

3. Explain quantization error?

4. What is linear interpolation. Use graph to explain. What is an application of using linear interpolation for sound synthesis?

5. State Nyquist theorem. Why is this theorem so important in sound synthesis?

6. What is the period of a 2500 Hz wave?

7. If sampling rate is 44000 samples per sec. and you want to produce a sinewave of 200Hz for 3 sec., how many samples are needed? How many samples are in one cycle.

8. How does one minimize aliasing during D/A and A/D conversion?

9. Why do we often use log scale as opposed to linear scale to show amplitude of sounds?

10. What is the S/N ratio of 12-bit linear conversion system?