Version 1.0

Java Player


  1. Under Netscape 4.04, when auto-transition has been specified and the HotMedia file is being downloaded, if the mouse pointer is over the applet window, the browser status may spuriously display the message "Null pointer exception." Although this message is displayed, there are no problems with the HotMedia operation.

  2. Under Netscape 3.01, on a Mac System 8.1 hot links to URLs with the target frame specified as _blank produce a new empty browser window when the hot link is picked.

  3. On the Mac System 8.1 hot links to URLs with the target frame specified as _blank work as if the target frame was specified as _self. When the hot link is picked, the current browser window is replaced with the new URL instead of opening this url in a new browser window. This happens for IE and AOL browsers.

  4. The authoring tool is currently designed to work in the default directory structure provided with HotMedia. While the .MVR files it produces remain correct, moving the authoring tool and/or class files may cause the HTML produced by the authoring tool to have an incorrect codebase attribute. If this occurs, you may directly edit the HTML to reflect your target directory structure. (See the HotMedia Java Invocation section in the Java Player User's Guide and the HTML and Java Directory Help section in the Tutorial, for more information.)

  5. When a large number of HotMedia files are started, there can be an excessive use of memory, caused by problems with Java garbage collection and the schemes used by browsers to discard applets from history.

    (Note: This problem seems to be more apparent in Netscape browsers.)

  6. Issues particular to the Mac - System 7.5:
The HotMedia Java Player does not function reliably on Internet Explorer 3.x.
Hot Links to URLs do not launch the URL in a new window on IE 3.x, 4.x and Netscape 3.x. They open a new, empty browser window.
Mouse clicks and mouse movements are responded to ONLY while the mouse is inside the applet window.

Assembly Tool

Notes :

  1. The HotMedia assembly tool provides no support for transparent gifs. Inclusion of a transparent gif in an object may produce unpredictable results.

  2. Creating an animation sequence by mixing images of different types--GIFs, JPGs and Animated GIFs-- within the same animation sequence  is not supported.