<- C I ->


     ir   =    iarg
     kr   =    karg
     ar   =    xarg
     kr   init iarg
     ar   init iarg

     ir   tival

     ir   divz ia, ib, isubst   (these not yet implemented)
     kr   divz ka, kb, ksubst
     ar   divz xa, xb, ksubst
= (simple assignment) - Put the value of the expression iarg (karg, xarg) into the named result. This provides a means of saving an evaluated result for later use.

init - Put the value of the I-time expression iarg into a K- or A-variable, i.e., initialize the result. Note that init provides the only case of an Init-time statement being permitted to write into a Perftime (K- or A-rate) result cell; the statement has no effect at Perf-time.

tival - Put the value of the instrument's internal "tie-in" flag into the named I-variable. Assigns 1 if this note has been 'tied' onto a previously held note ( see I Statement); assigns 0 if no tie actually took place. ( See also tigoto.)

divz - Whenever b is not zero, set the result to the value a / b; when b is zero, set it to the value of subst instead.


     kcps   =  i2/3 + cpsoct(k2 + octpch(p5)) 

<- C I ->
Prepared from the MIT Media Lab Csound Manual, PJN, Nov 1994.