<- C I ->

reinit, rigoto, rireturn

          reinit     label 
          rigoto     label 
These statements permit an instrument to reinitialize itself during performance.

reinit - whenever this statement is encountered during a P-time pass, performance is temporarily suspended while a special Initialization pass, beginning at label and continuing to rireturn or endin, is executed. Performance will then be resumed from where it left off.

rigoto - similar to igoto, but effective only during a reinit pass (i.e., No-op at standard I-time). This statement is useful for bypassing units that are not to be reinitialized.

rireturn - terminates a reinit pass (i.e., No-op at standard I-time). This statement, or an endin, will cause normal performance to be resumed.


The following statements will generate an exponential control signal whose value moves from 440 to 880 exactly ten times over the duration p3.

reset:    timout         0, p3 /10, contin   ;after p3/10 seconds,
          reinit         reset               ; reinit both timout
contin:   expon          440, p3/10,880      ; and expon
          riretum                            ; then resume perf
<- C I ->
Prepared from the MIT Media Lab Csound Manual, PJN, Nov 1994.