<- C I ->


     kr   phasor    kcps[, iphs] 
     ar   phasor    xcps[, iphs]  
Produce a normalized moving phase value.


iphs (optional) - initial phase, expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). A negative value will cause phase initialization to he skipped. The default value is zero.


An internal phase is successively accumulated in accordance with the cps frequency to produce a moving phase value, normalized to lie in the range 0. <= phs < 1.

When used as the index to a table unit, this phase (multiplied by the desired function table length) will cause it to behave like an oscillator.

Note that phasor is a special kind of integrator, accumulating phase increments that represent frequency settings.


          phasor         1                   ; cycle once per second
     kpch table          k1 * 12, 1          ; through 12-note pch table
     a1   oscil          p4, cpspch(kpch), 2 ; with continuous sound

<- C I ->
Prepared from the MIT Media Lab Csound Manual, PJN, Nov 1994.