<- C I ->

Score Section

The Scot statements contained inside the braces of each score statement is translated into a numeric score Section. It is wise to keep score sections small, say seven or eight measures of five voices at a time. This avoids overloading the system, and simplifies error checking.

The beginning of the score section is specified by typing:

     score { 
Everything which follows until the braces are closed is within a single section. Within this section you write measures of notes in traditional pitch and rhythm notation for any of the instrument names listed in your orchestra declaration. These notes may carry additional information such as slurs, ties and parameter fields. Let us now consider the format for notes entered in a Scot score.

The first thing to do is name the instrument you want and the desired meter. For example, to write some 4/4 measures for the cello, type:

     !ti "4/4" 
The dollar sign and exclamation point tell Scot that a special declarator follows. The time signature declarator is optional; if present, Scot will check the number of beats in each measure for you.

<- C I ->
Prepared from the MIT Media Lab Csound Manual, PJN, Nov 1994.