
This web site was made possible by the dedicated efforts of scholars and musicians who collected the information presented here. Without them, there would have been no site to create. The truth is theirs; all errors are my own.

Alistair Hinton generously provided me with all of the information, photographs, xeroxes, and other items that I requested - no small effort. I hope that his trust has been repaid. Joel Wapnick gave this site a home by submitting the necessary grant to the Faculty of Music at McGill University; he also deserves credit for planting the idea in my head through his CD-ROM ventures. Paul Rapoport's assistance was invaluable, both through Sorabji: A Critical Celebration (which served as my main reference) and his willingness to review these pages. Marc-André Hamelin donated or loaned a great deal of primary material, including books, scores, and recordings. Marc-André Roberge made many valuable suggestions and proved to have a sharp eye for catching mistakes. And finally I must thank Joe Patrych, who first introduced me to the world of pianophilia, and its rewards.

Erica Schulman Kane
July 3, 1996

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