MUMT 307: Final Projects

Example projects for this course could involve: Project presentations and reports should include: As well, all code or patches developed for the project should be linked to the report for download. If your project involves hardware or software not used in the course, you should provide a short video demonstration. Grading will be based on:
Paul Buser TinySynth
Michael Cassidy: ConCat - Concatenative Synthesizer
Jiali Cheng: Modal Synthesis of the Handpan Sound
Corinee Darche Implementation of Linear Predictive Coding for Speech Synthesis
Adam Garay: AutoTune: Rudimentary Pitch Corrector
Maxwell Gentili-Morin: Bucket Brigade Device Modeling
Ian Grenville: Recreating Common Digital Distortion Effects
Adam Gyuris: Guitar Amplifier Simulator
Margaret Hopkins: Flugelhorn Additive Synthesis
Yifan Huang: Formant-Wave-Function Synthesis
Albert Niyonsenga: Trombone UnMuter
Liv Orasanu: Direct Peak Shifting Phase Vocoder
Eto Sun: Coneko: A Simple Convolution Reverb Plugin

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