Sound Effects

HotMedia supports AU sound files that are less than 64K (see footnote). To incorporate sound clips into your HotMedia files click on the Animations Options button on the Animation tab.The following dialog box will appear:

Play once after animation loads

Choose this option to have the sound play after the thumbnail has been clicked and all the animations have been loaded.

Play when mouse enters applet window

Choose this option to have the sound play when the mouse enters the applet window.

Import AU File

Choose this option to import an AU file. Note that if you choose an AU file over 64K you will get the following message:


Choose this option to play the sound.


Choose this option to delete the sound.


Choose this option if you want the sound to play more than once. Enter the loop number in the Times box.


You can also hot link sound files! Refer to the Hot Links section for instructions.



Footnote: Currently, HotMedia can only support AU files less than 64K. Additionally, because of Java limitations the sound files must be 8000Hz, 8-bit, 1-channel, CCITT Mu-Law coding.