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The McGill 'Digital Composition Studios' ( formerly the 'Electronic Music Studio' ) was founded in 1964. As part of the Composition Area, it plays a vital role within the Schulich School of Music at McGill University. Its mission is to promote and facilitate all activities within the School of Music that involve the creative and applied use of music technologies. As such, it is a meeting place for students, faculty members, and visiting artists and researchers in composition, performance, music technology and sound recording.

Activities within the Digital Composition Studios include teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, compositional projects, performance of works involving technology, creation/research activities (including CIRMMT artistic and research projects), and collaborative projects, as well as the general media needs of the Schulich School of Music.

Prospective students should note that the Composition Area does not offer a program exclusively in electroacoustic or computer music composition. All students are expected to be proficient in instrumental composition, although extensive opportunities do exist to work with a wide range of approaches to music technology, including mixed works, interactive composition, gestural controllers, acousmatic works, multichannel audio, computer-assisted composition and more.

The DCS is one of three areas within the Schulich School of Music that explore the interaction of music and technology. The other two are the Music Technology Area and the Sound Recording Area.


The Digital Composition Studios (DCS) comprise three large composition studios and three smaller project studios.

Studio 1 - The principal composition studio (link)

Studio 2 - Classroom/Lab for MUCO 541 and MUCO 542 , Classroom for MUCO 341 and MUCO 342

Studio 3 - This is our Research/Rehearsal space

Studio 4 - This is our lab for MUCO 341 and MUCO 342

Studio 5 - Our Analog Studio (in need of some renovation) where we keep our Moog Modular and other analog toys.

Studio 6 - Musical Applications of Symbolic Computation (MASC) Lab

Events Calendar

August 16th-21st, 2009

2009 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2009)
