Package wiat :: Package TM :: Module Inst
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Source Code for Module wiat.TM.Inst

  1  # Copyright 2008 Antoine Lefebvre 
  2  # 
  3  # This file is part of "The Wind Instrument Acoustic Toolkit". 
  4  # 
  5  # "The Wind Instrument Acoustic Toolkit" is free software: 
  6  # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of 
  7  # the GNU General Public License as published by the 
  8  # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
  9  # (at your option) any later version. 
 10  # 
 11  # "The Wind Instrument Acoustic Toolkit" is distributed in the hope 
 12  # that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
 14  # See the GNU General Public License for more details. 
 15  # 
 16  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 17  # along with "The Wind Instrument Acoustic Toolkit". 
 18  # If not, see <>. 
 19  # 
 20  # All rights reserved. 
 22  """ - This file contains the class defining an Instrument and the 
 23      functions CalculateImpedance and CalculateMaxima. 
 25      The CalculateImpedance returns the impedance of an instrument for each 
 26      requested frequency. 
 28      The CalculateMaxima seach for the exact location of the maxima of the 
 29      instrument and return a list of (frequency,magnitude) tuples. 
 31  """ 
 33  __all__ = ['Instrument','CalculateImpedance','CalculateMaxima'] 
 35  import numpy 
 36  import scipy.optimize 
 38  from Waveguides import ToneHole 
40 -def create_identity_matrix_array(n):
41 """ Returns an array of 2X2 identity matrices for uses in the transmission 42 matrix calculation method. 43 """ 44 M = numpy.array([[numpy.ones(n),numpy.zeros(n)], 45 [numpy.zeros(n),numpy.ones(n)]]) 46 return M
48 -def multiply_matrix_arrays(TM1,TM2):
49 """ Multiplication of two arrays of 2X2 matrices. 50 51 Example:: 52 53 >>> TM1 = create_identity_matrix_array(10) 54 >>> TM2 = multiply_matrix_arrays(TM1,TM1) 55 >>> TM1 == TM2 56 array([[[ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, 57 True], 58 [ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, 59 True]], 60 <BLANKLINE> 61 [[ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, 62 True], 63 [ True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, 64 True]]], dtype=bool) 65 >>> 66 67 """ 68 n = range(numpy.shape(TM1)[-1]) 69 for i in n: 70 if i == 0: 71 R =[...,i],TM2[...,i]) 72 else: 73 T =[...,i],TM2[...,i]) 74 R = numpy.dstack((R, T)) 75 if numpy.size(n) == 1: 76 return numpy.resize(R,(2,numpy.shape(TM2)[1],1)) 77 else: 78 return R
79 80
81 -class Instrument:
82 """ Class used to descibed the geometry of a musical instrument. 83 """
84 - def __init__(self, name, sections, radiation, 85 toneholes=None, fingerings=None):
86 """ Instrument class 87 88 Example:: 89 90 >>> import wiat 91 >>> from wiat.TM import * 92 >>> I1 = Instrument("Cylinder with one tone hole", 93 ... [Cylinder(0.014,0.583)], UnflangedOpenEnd(0.014), 94 ... [ToneHole(0.0117,0.0043,0.474-0.0117/2), 95 ... ToneHole(0.0112,0.0043,0.505-0.0112/2)], 96 ... {'D':[1,1], 'C sharp':[0,1], 'C':[0, 0]}) 97 98 By default, all toneholes of the instrument are supposed close. Then 99 the fingering can be set with the set_fingering method. 100 101 102 @param name: the name of the instrument 103 @type name: string 104 @param sections: a list of Waveguides 105 @type sections: list 106 @param radiation: a radiation condition 107 @type radiation: an instance of a radiation class (see 108 @param toneholes: optional list of ToneHole 109 @type toneholes: list 110 @param fingerings: an optional fingering dictionary 111 The fingering dictionary should contains lists of open and 112 closed toneholes. The length of the lists should be the same 113 as the number of toneholes. 114 @type fingerings: dictionary 115 116 """ 117 = name 118 assert type(sections) is type([]), \ 119 'The second argument should be a list.' 120 self.sections = sections 121 self.radiation = radiation 122 self.toneholes = toneholes 123 124 # self.fingerings is a dictionary 125 # self.fingering is a list 126 127 self.fingerings = fingerings 128 if toneholes is not None: 129 self.fingering = [0]*len(toneholes) # default closed toneholes
131 - def __str__(self):
132 string = '==============================================\n' 133 string += "Instrument: %s\n\n" 134 135 string += "list of sections\n" 136 string += "----------------\n" 137 for s in self.sections: 138 string = string + str(s) + '\n' 139 140 string += '\nradiation\n' 141 string += '----------\n' 142 string += str(self.radiation)+'\n' 143 string += '==============================================\n' 144 return string
146 - def add_tonehole(self,tonehole,state=1):
147 """ Add a new tonehole to the instrument. 148 149 This method is useful in the design stage of an instrument. 150 151 @param tonehole: the new tonehole to be added. 152 @type tonehole: ToneHole 153 @param state: if the tonehole is to be added in the open (1) or 154 closed (0) state. 155 """ 156 if not isinstance(tonehole,ToneHole): 157 raise TypeError('Expecting a tonehole') 158 159 if self.toneholes is None: 160 self.toneholes = [tonehole] 161 self.fingering = [state] 162 else: 163 self.toneholes.append(tonehole) 164 self.fingering.append(state)
166 - def get_fingerings(self):
167 " Returns the fingering dictionary of the instrument " 168 return self.fingerings
170 - def set_fingering(self,fingering):
171 """ Set the fingering of the instrument. 172 173 The fingering name must be a key of the fingering dictionary. 174 175 """ 176 if self.fingerings is not None: 177 if self.fingerings.has_key(fingering): 178 self.fingering = self.fingerings[fingering] 179 else: 180 print "Unknown fingering: %s"%fingering 181 else: 182 print "Can't set fingering, there is no fingering dictionary" 183 return self
185 - def set_register_key(self,state=1):
186 " Allow setting the state of the register key " 187 # this function assumes that the first tonehole of the list is the 188 # register hole 189 # this is not always true, and some instruments has many register holes 190 # a solution must be found 191 try: 192 self.fingering[0] = state 193 except AttributeError: 194 print "no fingering list available" 195 return self
197 - def get_number_of_sections(self):
198 " Returns the number of sections the instrument is made off " 199 return numpy.size(self.sections)
201 - def calculate_total_length(self):
202 " Return the physical length of the instrument. " 203 L = 0 204 for section in self.sections: 205 L = L + section.getLength() 206 return L
208 - def find_toneholes_in_range(self,xi,xf):
209 """ Return a list of the toneholes located in a specific section of the 210 instrument 211 """ 212 found_toneholes = [] 213 if self.toneholes is not None: 214 found_toneholes = [(i,tonehole) for (i,tonehole) in \ 215 enumerate(self.toneholes) if \ 216 xi < tonehole.get_position() <= xf] 217 return found_toneholes
219 -def CalculateImpedance(instrument,freqs,T=25.):
220 """ Calculate the input impedance of the instrument. 221 222 This function performs the transfer matrix multiplication. 223 224 The frequency vector f must be sufficiently fine for the impedance to 225 be well represented, otherwise, the CalculateMaxima functions won't be 226 able to find the maxima. A good vector is: 227 228 >>> freqs = numpy.arange(50,5000,5,dtype=float) 229 230 @param instrument: an Instrument instance 231 @param freqs: frequency vector 232 @param T: the temperature 233 234 """ 235 236 # make sur f is an array of dimension 1 237 f = numpy.asarray(freqs).flatten() 238 239 # to calculate the input impedance, we must multiply all the 240 # transmission matrices 241 # the tonehole transmission matrices must be inserted into the bore sections 242 # bore sections must therefore be splitted 243 244 xi = 0. 245 TM = create_identity_matrix_array(numpy.size(f)) 246 247 #print "Calculating input impedance of the instrument: %s..." 248 for i,s in enumerate(instrument.sections): 249 #print 'processing section %d'%i 250 xf = xi + s.get_length() 251 found_toneholes = instrument.find_toneholes_in_range(xi, xf) 252 #print "Number of toneholes in section %d: %d"%(i,len(SubToneHolesList)) 253 254 x0 = xi 255 for (j,tonehole) in found_toneholes: 256 #print 'Processing tonehole %d'%j 257 x1 = tonehole.get_position() 258 TM = multiply_matrix_arrays(TM, s.subTM(f,T,x0-xi,x1-xi)) 259 try: 260 TMh = tonehole.TM(f,s.radius(x1-xi),T,instrument.fingering[j]) 261 except: 262 print "Error processing tone hole no. %d"%j 263 raise 264 265 TM = multiply_matrix_arrays(TM, TMh) 266 x0 = x1 # last tonehole become first coordinate of new sub section 267 268 # last subsection 269 # (if there were no subsections, this will be the complete section 270 TM = multiply_matrix_arrays(TM, s.subTM(f,T,x0-xi,xf-xi)) 271 xi = xf 272 273 TM = multiply_matrix_arrays(TM, instrument.radiation.TM(f,T)) 274 Z = TM[0]/TM[1] 275 #print "...done" 276 return Z[0]
278 -def CalculateMaxima(Z,inst,freqs,T,number_of_maxima=None):
279 """ Calculate the exact location of the impedance maxima of an Instrument. 280 281 It uses an impedance vector Z, previously calculated with the 282 CalculateImpedance function, to determine the approximate location 283 of the maxima and then, uses an optimization algorithm to find their 284 exact location. 285 286 @param Z: impedance vector 287 @param inst: Instrument instance 288 @param freqs: frequency vector 289 @param T: temperature 290 @param number_of_maxima: optional argument to limit the number of 291 maxima that are returned 292 @return: a list of tuples containing frequency and magnitude of each 293 impedance maxima. 294 """ 295 296 derivative = numpy.diff(numpy.abs(Z)) 297 signarray = numpy.sign(derivative) 298 crossing = numpy.diff(signarray) 299 indices = crossing.nonzero() 300 maximalist = [] 301 302 for i in indices[0]: 303 # do not take into account the minima 304 if crossing[i] > 0: 305 continue 306 307 if len(maximalist) == number_of_maxima: 308 break 309 310 f0 = freqs[i-1] 311 f1 = freqs[i+1] 312 313 infodict = scipy.optimize.brent( 314 lambda f: 1./numpy.abs(CalculateImpedance(inst,f,T)), 315 brack=(f0,f1),full_output=True) 316 317 fres = infodict[0][0] 318 zres = 1./infodict[1][0] 319 320 # check that it is a maxima 321 if zres > 1.: 322 maximalist.append((fres, zres)) 323 324 return maximalist