Chloé Dominguez has a Master's of Music degree from McGill University, where she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. on "contemporary music for cello in Quebec." She received a grant from FQRSC for research excellence. At the Schulich School of Music of McGill University, she is an assistant to Professor Matt Haimovitz. She is also a member of the Ensemble Contemporain de Montréal led by Véronique Lacroix and a frequent performer with SMCQ under the direction of Walter Boudreau. An associate of the interdisciplinary research centre CIRMMT, she has been involved in McGill's Digital Orchestra research project for the past two years. In 2007, she won Radio-Canada's Jeunes Artistes award, as well as first prize at the Festival de musique du Royaume. Last fall, she performed in Sean Ferguson's Miroirs at the ENACTIVE festival in Grenoble and had a solo performance with the Ensemble Contemporain de Montréal.
Photo by Marcel Mueller
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