Dynamic Layer Object Source Code

I have put this code into a file named "dynlayer.js" and will be calling that file throughout this tutorial.

// Dynamic Layer Object

// Copyright 1998 Dan Steinman

// Available at the Dynamic Duo (http://www.dansteinman.com/dynduo/)

// February 1998.  Last Updated Dec 2, 1998.

// In order to use this code you must keep this disclaimer

ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false

ie4 = (document.all)? true:false

function DynLayer(id,nestref) {

	if (ns4) {

		this.css = (nestref)? eval("document."+nestref+".document."+id) : document.layers[id]

		this.x = this.css.left

		this.y = this.css.top


	else if (ie4) {

		this.css = document.all[id].style

		this.x = this.css.pixelLeft

		this.y = this.css.pixelTop


	this.moveTo = DynLayerMoveTo

	this.moveBy = DynLayerMoveBy

	this.show = DynLayerShow

	this.hide = DynLayerHide

	this.addon = DynLayerAddon



function DynLayerMoveTo(x,y) {

	if (x!=null) {

		this.x = x

		this.css.left = this.x


	if (y!=null) {

		this.y = y

		this.css.top = this.y



function DynLayerMoveBy(x,y) {



function DynLayerShow() {

	this.css.visibility = (ns4)? "show" : "visible"


function DynLayerHide() {

	this.css.visibility = (ns4)? "hide" : "hidden"


function DynLayerAddon(id,nestref) {

	this.id = id

	this.nestref = nestref

	this.w = (ns4)? this.css.clip.width : this.css.pixelWidth

	this.h = (ns4)? this.css.clip.height : this.css.pixelHeight

	this.doc = (ns4)? this.css.document : document

	this.event = (ns4)? this.css : document.all[id]

	this.obj = id + "DynLayer"

	eval(this.obj + "=this")

	this.slideInit = DynLayerSlideInit

	this.clipInit = DynLayerClipInit


function DynLayerSlideInit() {

	this.slideTo = DynLayerSlideTo

	this.slideBy = DynLayerSlideBy

	this.slideStart = DynLayerSlideStart

	this.slide = DynLayerSlide


function DynLayerSlideTo(endx,endy,inc,speed,fn) {

	if (endx==null) endx = this.x

	if (endy==null) endy = this.y

	var distx = endx-this.x

	var disty = endy-this.y



function DynLayerSlideBy(distx,disty,inc,speed,fn) {

	var endx = this.x + distx

	var endy = this.y + disty



function DynLayerSlideStart(endx,endy,distx,disty,inc,speed,fn) {

	if (this.slideActive) return

	var num = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distx,2) + Math.pow(disty,2))/inc

	if (num==0) return

	var dx = distx/num

	var dy = disty/num

	if (!fn) fn = null

	this.slideActive = true



function DynLayerSlide(dx,dy,endx,endy,num,i,speed,fn) {

	if (!this.slideActive) return

	if (i++ < num) {




	else {

		this.slideActive = false





function DynLayerClipInit(clipTop,clipRight,clipBottom,clipLeft) {

	this.clipTo = DynLayerClipTo

	this.clipBy = DynLayerClipBy

	this.clipValues = DynLayerClipValues

	if (ie4) {

		if (arguments.length==4) this.clipTo(clipTop,clipRight,clipBottom,clipLeft)

		else this.clipTo(0,this.w,this.h,0)



function DynLayerClipTo(t,r,b,l) {

	if (t==null) t = this.clipValues('t')

	if (r==null) r = this.clipValues('r')

	if (b==null) b = this.clipValues('b')

	if (l==null) l = this.clipValues('l')

	if (ns4) {

		this.css.clip.top = t

		this.css.clip.right = r

		this.css.clip.bottom = b

		this.css.clip.left = l


	else if (ie4) this.css.clip = "rect("+t+"px "+r+"px "+b+"px "+l+"px)"


function DynLayerClipBy(t,r,b,l) {



function DynLayerClipValues(which) {

	if (ie4) var clipv = this.css.clip.split("rect(")[1].split(")")[0].split("px")

	if (which=="t") return (ns4)? this.css.clip.top : Number(clipv[0])

	if (which=="r") return (ns4)? this.css.clip.right : Number(clipv[1])

	if (which=="b") return (ns4)? this.css.clip.bottom : Number(clipv[2])

	if (which=="l") return (ns4)? this.css.clip.left : Number(clipv[3])


function DynLayerInit(nestref) {

	if (ns4) {

		if (nestref) ref = eval('document.'+nestref+'.document')

		else {nestref = ''; ref = document;}

		for (var i=0; i<ref.layers.length; i++) {

			var divname = ref.layers[i].name

			var index = divname.indexOf("Div")

			if (index > 0) {

				eval(divname.substr(0,index)+' = new DynLayer("'+divname+'","'+nestref+'")')


			if (ref.layers[i].document.layers.length > 0) {

				DynLayerInit.refArray[DynLayerInit.refArray.length] = (nestref=='')? ref.layers[i].name : nestref+'.'+ref.layers[i].name



		if (DynLayerInit.refArray.i < DynLayerInit.refArray.length) {




	else if (ie4) {

		for (var i=0; i<document.all.tags("DIV").length; i++) {

			var divname = document.all.tags("DIV")[i].id

			var index = divname.indexOf("Div")

			if (index > 0) {

				eval(divname.substr(0,index)+' = new DynLayer("'+divname+'")')




	return true


DynLayerInit.refArray = new Array()

DynLayerInit.refArray.i = 0

The Dynamic Layer Object API

Extending the DynLayer

Home Next Lesson: Geometric Objects
copyright 1998 Dan Steinman