Wipe Methods

The wipe methods are animated versions of the clip methods (as slide is to the move methods).

I include the wipe methods as an add-on JavaScript file, dynlayer-wipe.js. To include this and the dynlayer.js file you'll need to have 2 SCRIPT tags:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="dynlayer.js"></SCRIPT>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="dynlayer-wipe.js"></SCRIPT>

The wipe methods are initialized with the the central method called wipeInit() (just like how slideInit() works). This method is not built into the DynLayer by default, but you can individually assign the method to any DynLayer that you've created:

objectName = new DynLayer("objectNameDiv")

objectName.wipeInit = DynLayerWipeInit

Since the wipe methods make heavy use of clip methods, I made the wipe method automatically initialize the clip methods (if you initialize wipe, you do not have to initialize the clip). Therefore the wipeInit() function has the same parameters as clipInit().

For a layer clipped to the default values:


For a layer clipped arbitrarily:


The wipeInit() method will automatically initialize the 3 clip methods (clipValues(), clipTo(), and clipBy()), as well as 2 internal methods for wiping the layer.

The wipeTo() Method:

The wipeTo() method will wipe (clip incrementally) the DynLayer's edges from their current value to specific new value. It can do this for any single edge, or multiple edges at the same time.


For any of the edges which you do not wish to be clipped, pass null for it's value.


To wipe the DynLayer's top edge to 0, right to 100, bottom to 100, and left to 0 (making a square box 100x100), in 10 steps, at 30 milliseconds per step:


To wipe only the right edge to 100:


When working with the wipe methods you have to keep your orientation correct. Remember how positive and negative values will effect each of the edges:

Positive IncrementNegative Increment
leftsubtracts from the edgeadds more to the edge
rightadds more to the edgesubtracts from the edge
topsubtracts from the edgeadds more to the edge
bottomadds more to the edgesubtracts from the edge

The wipeBy() Method:

Again the wipeBy() is the same as the wipeTo() except the edges are shifted a given number of pixels:


For any of the edges that you do not wish to be clipped pass 0 for it's value.


Wipe all edges "outward" by 20 pixels:


Wipe all edges "inward" by 20 pixels:


Wipe the right edge outward by 100 pixels:


Wipe Methods Demo:

View dynlayer-wipe1.html for an example using different variations of the wipe methods

Wipe Methods Source Code:

I have included this in a file named "dynlayer-wipe.js"

// Wipe Methods

// Copyright 1998 Dan Steinman

// Available at the Dynamic Duo (http://www.dansteinman.com/dynduo/)

// Aug 7, 1998.

// In order to use this code you must keep this disclaimer

function DynLayerWipeInit(clipTop,clipRight,clipBottom,clipLeft) {

	if (arguments.length==4) this.clipInit(clipTop,clipRight,clipBottom,clipLeft)

	else this.clipInit()

	this.wipeTo = DynLayerWipeTo

	this.wipeBy = DynLayerWipeBy

	this.wipeStart = DynLayerWipeStart

	this.wipe = DynLayerWipe


function DynLayerWipeTo(endt,endr,endb,endl,num,speed,fn) {

	var distt = (endt!=null)? endt-this.clipValues('t'):0

	var distr = (endr!=null)? endr-this.clipValues('r'):0

	var distb = (endb!=null)? endb-this.clipValues('b'):0

	var distl = (endl!=null)? endl-this.clipValues('l'):0



function DynLayerWipeBy(distt,distr,distb,distl,num,speed,fn) {



function DynLayerWipeStart(distt,distr,distb,distl,endt,endr,endb,endl,num,speed,fn) {

	if (this.wipeActive) return

	if (!fn) fn = null

	this.wipeActive = true



function DynLayerWipe(dt,dr,db,dl,endt,endr,endb,endl,st,sr,sb,sl,num,i,speed,fn) {

	if (!this.wipeActive) return

	if (i++ < num) {




	else {

		this.wipeActive = false





The Dynamic Layer Object API

Extending the DynLayer

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copyright 1998 Dan Steinman