FAQ Index

1. What can cause a "class file not found" message?

What causes error messages in the browser, a browser that times out or appears to hang, or a gray box that appears where the applet should be?

2. What directory structures are supported on an Ad Server?

What are the ways HotMedia can be stored and delivered from ad servers?

3. How can I serve HotMedia Banner Ads ?

Where can I get detailed description of the procedures necessary to serve HotMedia banner ads?

4. What about browsers that do not support Java ?

What can be used to diplay an image rather than have a blank area on the page if the browser does not support Java?

5. Why don't my HotMedias run after I upgrade to Version 1.1 ?

Is there anything I need to do when upgrading HotMedia so that my applets run correctly?

6. Are there any known bugs in Version 1.1 ?

Are there any bugs in this version of HotMedia?